MJ Zoom-out
This experiment wants to explore a possible derivation/application of the images belonging to the "Hallucination Area" of the WSP method. Starting from one of the four images generated with the prompt anger::100, flash::-97 --seed 99, each subsequent image is a 2x zoom out of the previous one. When generating the surroundings of an image, the model uses the original prompt as a guideline, creating, in this case, other hallucinations.
0x zoom-out
2x zoom-out
4x zoom-out
8x zoom-out
16x zoom-out
32x zoom-out
64x zoom-out
128x zoom-out
256x zoom-out
512x zoom-out
1024x zoom-out
2048x zoom-out
4096x zoom-out
8192x zoom-out
16384x zoom-out
32764x zoom-out
65536x zoom-out
1311072x zoom-out
262144x zoom-out
524288x zoom-out
1048576x zoom-out
2097152x zoom-out
4194304x zoom-out
8388608x zoom-out
Zoom-out image sequence